About Us



Heeyas Ltd is a London based, but globally connected sourcing company that  specialises in the Oil & Gas and Marine industry. 

A professional trading company that provides a personalised service to every  client. Our mission is to sustainability source oil rigs and commercial ship  equipment’s in an environmentally friendly manner. We achieve this by up-cycling  equipment at competitive prices for our clients. 

Advantages of working with Heeyas Limited

1. Our Location: based in London, a world city and business hub. 

2. Establishment: We have been operating for over 25 years. 

3. Experience: The leadership team has over 50 years of industry experience. 4. Clients: We've got clients in over 27 countries that trust us. 

5. Financial: We're a financially strong company with a proven track record of  successful deals. 



We offer services to buyers and sellers. This means we have well-established and holistic  contacts, enabling us to find the right rigs and vessels for our buyers and are and provide a  broad customer base to our sellers.


We have arranged successful charters for long and short periods in different types of vessels  ranging from offshore tonnage to tankers and dry cargo vessels. 


We can offer and have delivered a range of new buildings of different tonnage ranging from  offshore vessels and tankers to general cargo vessels. These can be shipped from local  builders and from yards located worldwide. 


Heeyas Limited has successfully executed deals on Rigs, Ships, Engines, Generators,  Cranes, Mud pumps, Top drive, Bop systems, Iron Roughnecks and many more.


Our Motto 

Recycle, Reuse, Save the Environment. 

 Heeyas Limited 

 Devonshire House,  

 Stanmore HA7 1JS London

Email: info@heeyas.co.uk

Cell: +44-(0)-781-6466923

Registered in England: 06347999